Vista Used Physical Memory

My physical memory usage is so high - Windows 7. I need solutions on how to decrease the physical memory usage of my pc.

Windows Task Manager and my Windows sidebar i get: Processes: 5. CPU Usage 4%Physical Memory: 5. Any ideas on how I can reduce this please? I have 2gb of RAM installed.

Vista Used Physical MemoryVista Used Physical Memory

Learn how Windows memory management tools in Windows 7 Task Manager and other Windows 7 Task Manager features can help solve desktop memory problems. Screenshot of Windows Vista Ultimate, showing its desktop, taskbar, Start menu, Windows Sidebar, Welcome Center and glass effects of Windows Aero. Bella Vista Computer Services. Lancashire Blvd, Bella Vista, AR 72715. Store Hours. Monday - Friday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Make your computer run smoothly and quickly the whole day with this handy utility.

Vista Used Physical MemoryVista Used Physical Memory

By default, Windows Vista and Windows 7 can use up to 4 GB of memory. Learn how you can enable support for up to 64 GB with an easy to use patch. How to Check Your Computer's Memory. Memory means two things on computers. Physical Memory is your hard drive space, which determines how many files you computer can.

Vista Used Physical Memory

CleanMem - CleanMem keeps memory use in check on the system without the memory being pushed to the page file. This in turn keeps the system running smoother.

Vista Used Physical MemoryVista Used Physical Memory High
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